Transformers, Drivers & Ballasts
Low voltage transformers convert AC mains power to low voltage AC in order to supply low voltage lighting schemes. When choosing a suitable transformer for your purposes you need to pay particular attention to the minimum and maximum wattage loads - the sum total of your lights in watts must fall between the two figures.
With low voltage LED lighting schemes you’ll generally require a dedicated LED driver, and with LEDs being so low powered the minimum load will either not be specified or will be nominally low. Still, you need to be sure not to exceed the maximum load with the total wattage of your LED lights. It’s advisable to use an LED driver, not only because of the low minimum load, but also because LEDs are sensitive to fluctuations in current and can be permanently damaged if connected to a regular LV transformer. The net result of that would likely be a substantially shortened lifespan.
Outdoors and in
We offer a selection of LV transformers and LED drivers, some of which carry a high Ingress Protection rating and are suitable for use outdoors. Low voltage lighting schemes are increasingly popular and viable outdoors, as they’re easier to install and pose no threat to life in the event of an accident.
With all of this in mind, choose your intended lights, calculate their total power consumption in watts, and choose your transformer or driver accordingly! If you have any doubts, please feel free to get in touch with Lyco and we’ll be happy to assist.